Ladies and Gentlemen,
That’s right, it's that time again -- change your oil, stock up on tires, do a tune up, and get set for another DGTrials private instructional clinic! Start the 2007 Atlanta season with a ton of valuable seat time!
Saturday February 24th we will be hosting another private instructional clinic at Turner field in the blue lot (the fast one!). We again intend to have two run groups of 10 vehicles each:
AM - 9:00-1:30
PM - 2:00-6:30
Your choice of run group is on a first-come first-served basis -- register early or you may not be able to run when you like.
For more information, please contact Marty @ marty@martymartymarty.net
As with all DGTrials clinics, you are the focus of the event. Your course design requests, your concerns about specific drifting and driving techniques, and your questions will all be treated with the highest priority. These days are designed for nothing but pure driver training and improvement.
Whether you are a beginning drifter looking for some extra pointers or you are looking to test and tune your latest parts and settings, this day will offer 4 hours and 30 minutes of pure uninterrupted driving.
It is *STRONGLY* reccomended that participants bring at least one extra set/pair of tires, if not more. DGTrials may be able to provide tire mounting services on site, but this is currently unexpected, so plan accordingly.
The cost for the event is $180, payable by PayPal to sales@DGTrials.com, in cash or by check (made out to "Drift and Gymkhana Trials Association, LLC") in person. Two-driver cars are accepted, but due to the extreme strenuous nature of these events, are not reccomended. Drivers may register for more than one spot.
Please keep this event private -- do not tell everyone you know, do not invite your whole family or your fleet of friends to come watch. We are able to conduct these days because they are extremely low key driver-based training sessions. If we continue to keep them that way, we will be allowed to continue to have them.
Again, we would like to stress that this event is open to all skill level drivers. We will have qualified instructors on hand to help with your technique, as well as car builders and crew mechanics to give pointers on car building and setup.
All of those who came to previous clinic days know just how much track time there is. We look forward to seeing you all again and to being able to provide the same awesome days we always have!
Registered Drivers