5 Tickets (1 Per Winner) HOW TO ENTER: Tell us why you deserve a ticket! You NEED to put some time into your response and use the hashtag #autoconcontest to help support your story; that is how we select the winners. – DO NOT POST “I am broke so give me tickets” – TERMS: Each winner will have 1 ticket assigned at WILL CALL. We will select the winners on or before Tuesday (5PM PST). Once the winners are announced you will have 24 hours to provide your name so we can add it to the list. You MUST respond on time or the tickets will be assigned to someone else. Thank you!


5 Tickets (1 Per Winner) HOW TO ENTER: Tell us why you deserve a ticket! You NEED to put some time into your response and use the hashtag #autoconcontest to help support your story; that is how we select the winners. - DO NOT POST

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