2012 Formula D Predictions


2012 Formula D Predictions

by MonkeySlide

Its been a while since I stopped by this joint but I wanted to make some predictions myself.

Prediction #1: We will see a repeat of the back and fourth between Dai and JTP. Dai is not changing his car and I cannot see JTP’s crew putting him in a different car considering how close he came to snatching the title away from Dai last year.

Prediction #2: Gushi’s FR-S chassis will exceed expectations and he will be a bigger threat in the title fight than ever before.

Prediction #3: Rhys is going to stick someone in a Veloster. This person will likely be Rhys’ eventual sucessor when he finally decides to back out of drifting and focus 100% on Rally X.

Prediction #4 (Inspired by Jacob/Slapshotnerd): Sam Hubinette Racing (SHR) is building a new 2013 Dodge Charger* for Kearny while the Challenger will get some serious revisions to make it more competitive.

Prediction #5: On advice from his agent J-Rod will debut his new hip hop single “Send-It”. Despite mixed reviews from critics the single will shoot to #1 on the billboard charts leading to an eventual collaboration with Justin Bieber and Ludacris.

Prediction #6: Someone will eventually get a picture of Ryan Sage and Jim Liaw holding hands.

Prediction #7: Chris Rado will replace Tony Angleo as the next Formula Drift judge. He will be fired promptly and replaced with Bebop, Bebop will quit because Formula Drift refuses to go with his idea to establish classes. He will then establish his own series called “Super Mega Muscular Fun Time Ultimate Drift Battle Hard Series”. The SMMFTUDBH series will de-throne Formula Drift and D1 as the world’s premere drift series.

*Changed from Challenger to Charger


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