10 years ago I almost moved to Hawai'i for college. I ended up drifting in Northern Europe instead… These days, however, I get to go out here every now and then in between drifting rounds to visit my little sister @camillaaasbo and bring my amazing girlfriend @huntertaylorr with me. If you haven't been, but ever ever get the chance to visit Hawai'i – just GO! It truly is paradise on Earth. Poised and ready to take on now!


10 years ago I almost moved to Hawai'i for college. I ended up drifting in Northern Europe instead... These days, however, I get to go out here every now and then in between drifting rounds to visit my little sister @camillaaasbo and bring my amazing girlfriend @huntertaylorr with me. If you haven't been, but ever ever get the chance to visit Hawai'i - just GO! It truly is paradise on Earth. Poised and ready to take on now!

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