A crazy week and unfortunately a bad result for the #dmac240 with ahmad Daham at the wheel. Power steering problems causing off track excursions #dmac #dmac240 #dmacspec #dmaccontrolarm #dmacsuspension #mcnsport #dmacbrakelines #dmacsteeringangle #dmacfuelcell #mishimoto #haltech #driveshaftshop #sunoco #samcosport #workwheels #wcpdyno #mcnsport #turbosmart #engineeredtowin #steerandsave #asnu #abcclutch #turbobygarrett #turbolife #jepistons #helperformance #obp #gripfab #runbc @mishimoto @haltechecu @turbobygarrett @steerandsave @driveshaftshop @samcosport @helperformance @runbc @turbosmarthq @westcoastperformance @jepistons


A crazy week and unfortunately a bad result for the #dmac240 with ahmad Daham at the wheel. Power steering problems causing off track excursions #dmac #dmac240 #dmacspec #dmaccontrolarm #dmacsuspension #mcnsport #dmacbrakelines #dmacsteeringangle #dmacfuelcell #mishimoto #haltech #driveshaftshop #sunoco #samcosport #workwheels #wcpdyno #mcnsport #turbosmart #engineeredtowin #steerandsave #asnu #abcclutch #turbobygarrett #turbolife #jepistons #helperformance #obp #gripfab #runbc @mishimoto @haltechecu @turbobygarrett @steerandsave @driveshaftshop @samcosport @helperformance @runbc @turbosmarthq @westcoastperformance @jepistons

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