@adidasmotorsport and I are giving away a signed pair of my original #adistargloves. These are the same ones I wear in @formulad. Just follow both my Instagram and @adidasmotorsport accounts and you are eligible to participate in this giveaway. The winner will be announced within the next week! So head on over and give #adidasmotorsport a follow. #adidasmotorsport #adidas #formulad #formuladrift #ryantuerck #giveaway


@adidasmotorsport and I are giving away a signed pair of my original adistargloves. These are the same ones I wear in @formulad. Just follow both my Instagram and @adidasmotorsport accounts and you are eligible to participate in this giveaway. The winner will be announced within the next week! So head on over and give adidasmotorsport a follow. adidasmotorsport adidas formulad formuladrift ryantuerck giveaway@adidasmotorsport and I are giving away a signed pair of my original adistargloves. These are the same ones I wear in @formulad. Just follow both my Instagram and @adidasmotorsport accounts and you are eligible to participate in this giveaway. The winner will be announced within the next week! So head on over and give adidasmotorsport a follow. adidasmotorsport adidas formulad formuladrift ryantuerck giveaway
@adidasmotorsport and I are giving away a signed pair of my original #adistargloves. These are the same ones I wear in @formulad. Just follow both my Instagram and @adidasmotorsport accounts and you are eligible to participate in this giveaway. The winner will be announced within the next week! So head on over and give #adidasmotorsport a follow. #adidasmotorsport #adidas #formulad #formuladrift #ryantuerck #giveaway

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