Big shout out to our team members. Even though we had a rough start to #FDATL, they hung in there and got it done. Far left is @jazzy_jz_jeff (crew and general), next is @tfdave from @stanceusa (suspension guru, dials the cars in), @2jzgrl (team manager, sales, all background operations), @garretnuts (crew chief and my main left hand man), yes I'm left handed. @kyletunedit (tuner), and @mykeystark (crew, tire runner, hustler) Myself and @alechohnadell on the bottom, obviously trying to keep up with the latest pic trends. THANK YOU GUYS, couldn't do it without you!


Big shout out to our team members. Even though we had a rough start to #FDATL, they hung in there and got it done. Far left is @jazzy_jz_jeff (crew and general), next is @tfdave from @stanceusa (suspension guru, dials the cars in), @2jzgrl (team manager, sales, all background operations), @garretnuts (crew chief and my main left hand man), yes I'm left handed. @kyletunedit (tuner), and @mykeystark (crew, tire runner, hustler) Myself and @alechohnadell on the bottom, obviously trying to keep up with the latest pic trends. THANK YOU GUYS, couldn't do it without you!

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