@chrisforsberg64 advances to the finals after his wild matchup with @alechohnadell Click the link in our bio to watch finals now!


@chrisforsberg64 advances to the finals after his wild matchup with @alechohnadell Click the link in our bio to watch finals now!


  1. hoffman5982 profile image
    hoffman5982 11 September, 2016 at 18:21 Reply

    LOL at him crying about power steering failure and you morons buying it. He went flying off course because he went in to hot. He always has some fucking excuse as to why he doesn’t win yet this was only his SECOND podium in THREE YEARS. He just sucks. He needs to accept it and so do you dip shits.

  2. hoffman5982 profile image
    hoffman5982 12 September, 2016 at 00:30 Reply

    @aeroteq you’re literally mad because I don’t share the same opinion as you. Get over it. The world will go on. Everyone holds a different opinion. Don’t be so closed minded that you instantly black list someone for not thinking the same way as you.

  3. hoffman5982 profile image
    hoffman5982 12 September, 2016 at 00:33 Reply

    @aeroteq I’m not flipping out at all, and you didn’t just disagree. “Fuck you” is more than just disagreeing. If anyone is flipping out on anyone here it’s you. I’m done with this pointless conversation. Stop being a baby and getting mad at anyone who disagrees with you. End of story.

  4. aeroteq profile image
    aeroteq 12 September, 2016 at 00:36 Reply

    @hoffman5982 You’re such a hypocrite lmao. “You dipshits” “he just sucks” “he always has some fucking excuse” bruh you were upset before I even got here. All I said was you sounded like a hater. Being buttmad doesnt help get your opinion across.

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