@constructive_ruckus ・・・ Witnessed history yesterday as these two amazing GTR's battled for fastest of the day. @nobuterutaniguchi held strong and consistent both days and both teams dropping 2+ seconds from practice times come Sunday. Down to the Top 5 shoot out a dramatic finish with both setting a hot lap and coming in to a team service in the hot pits. Less than five minutes left in the session with one last chance for Nob to secure the win. Congratulations to @lyfemotorsport for easing out the win at the end of the day!


Witnessed history yesterday as these two amazing GTR's battled for fastest of the day. @nobuterutaniguchi held strong and consistent both days and both teams dropping 2+ seconds from practice times come Sunday. Down to the Top 5 shoot out a dramatic finish with both setting a hot lap and coming in to a team service in the hot pits. Less than five minutes left in the session with one last chance for Nob to secure the win. Congratulations to @lyfemotorsport for easing out the win at the end of the day!

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