Dry Sump Oil System for Drifting The one common denominator that I have seen over the years , especially in drifting , is in the oil systems ; there's so much more g-force that's being applied to the entire chassis thus the engine that if a wet sump oiling system doesn't have a phenomenal baffling system to actually keep the oil pump pickup submerged in oil the entire time what'll end up happening is you'll pick up air it'll actually starve the engine momentarily for oil and that oil gets up into the pickup and oil pump loses pressure momentarily thus you have metal to metal contact on the crank and the bearings ..



Dry Sump Oil System for Drifting The one common denominator that I have seen over the years , especially in drifting , is in the oil systems ; there's so much more g-force that's being applied to the entire chassis thus the engine that if a wet sump oiling system doesn't have a phenomenal baffling system to actually keep the oil pump pickup submerged in oil the entire time what'll end up happening is you'll pick up air it'll actually starve the engine momentarily for oil and that oil gets up into the pickup and oil pump loses pressure momentarily thus you have metal to metal contact on the crank and the bearings ..

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