Earlier today we discovered there was a crack in the block before qualifying, Forrest went out, did the best he could (given the situation) and got an 81. It was either sit out the rest of this round, or try to figure something out. We found a local shop called Power House that had a built 2jz ready to go. It just got delivered to the track. Big thanks to the whole team for helping out tonight. We have a long way to go buy we will get it done! @garretnuts @2jzgrl @raysfactory @stancesuspension @mykeystark @george_grob #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #fdtx


Earlier today we discovered there was a crack in the block before qualifying, Forrest went out, did the best he could (given the situation) and got an 81. It was either sit out the rest of this round, or try to figure something out. We found a local shop called Power House that had a built 2jz ready to go. It just got delivered to the track. Big thanks to the whole team for helping out tonight. We have a long way to go buy we will get it done! @garretnuts @2jzgrl @raysfactory @stancesuspension @mykeystark @george_grob #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #fdtx

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