@evantuerck made it to Texas Motor Speedway safe and sound in the @coffmanracing rig. Time to get setup and prepped for open practice tomorrow. #FDTX #Bigriggin @formulad


@evantuerck made it to Texas Motor Speedway safe and sound in the @coffmanracing rig. Time to get setup and prepped for open practice tomorrow. FDTX Bigriggin @formulad@evantuerck made it to Texas Motor Speedway safe and sound in the @coffmanracing rig. Time to get setup and prepped for open practice tomorrow. FDTX Bigriggin @formulad
@evantuerck made it to Texas Motor Speedway safe and sound in the @coffmanracing rig. Time to get setup and prepped for open practice tomorrow. #FDTX #Bigriggin @formulad

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