Flashback to 6 years ago, when my dad came out to the Rudskogen circuit in Norway to witness my friends and I take one of our most important wins back then. He's my biggest mentor in life and has taught me a lot about how to align with partners, sponsors and become a team player. This past weekend, both my parents, sister and a bunch of Scandinavians were out at Irwindale Speedway to watch the @formulad World Championship Finals. It's been a crazy journey with all you guys!


Flashback to 6 years ago, when my dad came out to the Rudskogen circuit in Norway to witness my friends and I take one of our most important wins back then. He's my biggest mentor in life and has taught me a lot about how to align with partners, sponsors and become a team player. This past weekend, both my parents, sister and a bunch of Scandinavians were out at Irwindale Speedway to watch the @formulad World Championship Finals. It's been a crazy journey with all you guys!

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