This item is on ebay and currently in the UK. However I live in San Francisco so if someone really wanted this helmet I could ship to the US but you would need to cover shipping costs and any insurance.
I wore this helmet whilst drifting within the UK in both the 2005 and 2005 drift championships. I was also able to meet the drift god Ken Nomura who signed the helmet with his infamous logo.
The helmet has seen light use and has never been dropped or involved in an accident. I have probably worn the helmet only 20 times in total. It fits a medium size head and the details of it's specifications can be seen from the photos.
Brand new this helmet cost me $200
I wore this helmet whilst drifting within the UK in both the 2005 and 2005 drift championships. I was also able to meet the drift god Ken Nomura who signed the helmet with his infamous logo.
The helmet has seen light use and has never been dropped or involved in an accident. I have probably worn the helmet only 20 times in total. It fits a medium size head and the details of it's specifications can be seen from the photos.
Brand new this helmet cost me $200