Contact: PM or ( Faster response via email, good subject to avoid spam )
Price: Item+paypal fee+shipping/handling+insurance
*Express shipping available items to NY,AK,PR,HI etc will cost a bit extra as well.
All issues are clearly pictured. please study before you purchase. Pulled from my D1SL car. right side exhibits some wall love scrappage but you can only see that with your face 5 inches from the light.
450 shipped
Immediate payment required. Please provide me with paypal address for official paypal invoice via email/pm.
Thank you
Price: Item+paypal fee+shipping/handling+insurance
*Express shipping available items to NY,AK,PR,HI etc will cost a bit extra as well.
All issues are clearly pictured. please study before you purchase. Pulled from my D1SL car. right side exhibits some wall love scrappage but you can only see that with your face 5 inches from the light.
450 shipped
Immediate payment required. Please provide me with paypal address for official paypal invoice via email/pm.
Thank you