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Just a thought...

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  • Just a thought...

    Ya know. This thread is turning out to be like real life. Everything has to be fair. When I was growing up I was told that life isn't fair. But now if something isn't fair I can just complain to the government (orthe mods in this case) and make it fair. Nothing can be offensive anymore becaause that would hurt somebodies feelings. Pretty soon everybody will only be able to say certain words because too many words are offensive. And since when is it bad to have an avatar of something (bondage) that you could see a lot more detail of on most TV shows today, like CSI. I wish I was born in the 60s so I could have grown up in at time when you didn't have to worry about offending everybody and you had freedom of expression. After all, that's what this country is, or was rather, all about. Instead of deleting accounts of "offensive" avatars, why not make this forum better by helping the noobs not make themsleves look stupid. And as far as cussing. When did it become so bad? I know it's offensive to some people and people should have respect for that because cussing is just plain bad language. But I don't remember one day in high school that I didn't hear a cuss word. It's just a fact of life. So maybe make the language filter an option for members. I don't mind cuss words and would rather see them than "*censored* *censored* *censored* *censored*", so why can't I? What ever happened to "Life isn't fair."? I'd rather live in a world where I don't like what some people do than a world where I can't do anything for fear of hurting somebody's feelings. Now I love this forum because there is still a bit of useful info. Mainly from Chas, Driftxtreme, etc. (You know if your one of those that gives pertinent info.) And I'm still going to watch this forum every day even though there may be something that I don't like because I know that I don't have to read it, or look at it. Oh, and I hope I didn't offend anyone in this post... lol. Just be yourself and if somebody doesn't like it then that's normal because you can't like everybody and not everybody can like you. Just deal.

    P.S. This probably won't stay on here long and if it does it will probably be moved but I figured this is the place where people would read it.

    Oh. And no responses plz. Just something to think about.