Functional as a secondary oil cooler, High-Capacity Oil Pans, maintain more constant oil temperatures via increased volume of oil and the improved cooling efficiency of the thick-walled cast aluminum construction. They also include specially designed interiors to keep the oil at the oil pump pick-up for engine reliability. Specific applications like for the / / can also help make turbocharging easier,with built-in oil drain ports, when adding turbochargers. In-stock and a must when building a / /


Functional as a secondary oil cooler, High-Capacity Oil Pans, maintain more constant oil temperatures via increased volume of oil and the improved cooling efficiency of the thick-walled cast aluminum construction. They also include specially designed interiors to keep the oil at the oil pump pick-up for engine reliability. Specific applications like for the / / can also help make turbocharging easier,with built-in oil drain ports, when adding turbochargers.  In-stock and a must when building a / /

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