Had an absolute blast at the @hardcorejapan x @superstreet drift event on Sunday. Got to drift with the dudes and get some seat time. Now I am off to Las Vegas for the #bestinthedesert #vegastoreno off-road race with @brucefield8081 I love driving the truck and am looking forward to over 500 miles in that bad boy! See everyone there.


Had an absolute blast at the @hardcorejapan x @superstreet drift event on Sunday. Got to drift with the dudes and get some seat time. Now I am off to Las Vegas for the bestinthedesert vegastoreno off-road race with @brucefield8081 I love driving the truck and am looking forward to over 500 miles in that bad boy! See everyone there.Had an absolute blast at the @hardcorejapan x @superstreet drift event on Sunday. Got to drift with the dudes and get some seat time. Now I am off to Las Vegas for the bestinthedesert vegastoreno off-road race with @brucefield8081 I love driving the truck and am looking forward to over 500 miles in that bad boy! See everyone there.
Had an absolute blast at the @hardcorejapan x @superstreet drift event on Sunday. Got to drift with the dudes and get some seat time. Now I am off to Las Vegas for the #bestinthedesert #vegastoreno off-road race with @brucefield8081 I love driving the truck and am looking forward to over 500 miles in that bad boy! See everyone there.

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