Hanging out with with good people from all over the world. Thanks for the rad designs @aws_graphics & @wraplegends @aws_graphics with @repostsaveapp ・・・ Formula drift Texas was amazing! It was awesome to meet some of my clients and friends I've been talking with online for years! Was very cool to meet kyle mohan, after designing his cars for a few seasons now! Awesome to see the car in the flesh! The atmosphere was so good at the event, the crowd participation was amazing to see! The battles were epic and the crashes were crazy! Cant wait to come back for more fd USA! @kylemohanracing @formulad @wraplegends @the_wrapgame #stickers. @americanethanol @growthenergy @exedyusa @mazdatrixofficial @precisionturbo @mishimoto @wppro.taiwan @xxrwheel @meganracing @swiftsprings  @haltechecu @getnrg @wraplegends @radiumengineering @drinkdoc @officialdnagarage  @thunderboltfuel @_wisefab_  @sikkymanufacturing @ptpturboblankets @nferaclub @edelbrockusa @ef1motorsports @winmaxusa @hillcofastenerwarehouse @billetinc @tunedbynelson_s @zerekfabrication @officialngksparkplugs @nexentireusa @drinkdoc @pickpros


Hanging out with with good people from all over the world.  Thanks for the rad designs @aws_graphics & @wraplegends 

@aws_graphics with @repostsaveapp ・・・ Formula drift Texas was amazing! It was awesome to meet some of my clients and friends I've been talking with online for years! Was very cool to meet kyle mohan, after designing his cars for a few seasons now! Awesome to see the car in the flesh! The atmosphere was so good at the event, the crowd participation was amazing to see! The battles were epic and the crashes were crazy! Cant wait to come back for more fd USA!  @kylemohanracing @formulad @wraplegends @the_wrapgame #stickers.

@americanethanol @growthenergy
@exedyusa @mazdatrixofficial @precisionturbo @mishimoto @wppro.taiwan @xxrwheel @meganracing @swiftsprings  @haltechecu @getnrg @wraplegends @radiumengineering @drinkdoc @officialdnagarage  @thunderboltfuel
@_wisefab_  @sikkymanufacturing
@ptpturboblankets @nferaclub @edelbrockusa @ef1motorsports @winmaxusa @hillcofastenerwarehouse @billetinc
@tunedbynelson_s @zerekfabrication @officialngksparkplugs @nexentireusa @drinkdoc @pickpros

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