Huge thanks to @rotiform for coming through on the short time line fixing two wheels before Montreal. I killed two wheels at the last round in Taxas. That track is no joke when you dirt drop! So thanks gents! You guys rock! #Rotiform


Huge thanks to @rotiform for coming through on the short time line fixing two wheels before Montreal. I killed two wheels at the last round in Taxas. That track is no joke when you dirt drop! So thanks gents! You guys rock! RotiformHuge thanks to @rotiform for coming through on the short time line fixing two wheels before Montreal. I killed two wheels at the last round in Taxas. That track is no joke when you dirt drop! So thanks gents! You guys rock! Rotiform
Huge thanks to @rotiform for coming through on the short time line fixing two wheels before Montreal. I killed two wheels at the last round in Taxas. That track is no joke when you dirt drop! So thanks gents! You guys rock! #Rotiform

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