I have an important announcement for everyone. I crashed my brand new car this round and was looking forward to showing it more to everyone by driving it at the next round in Autopolis and hopefully do better but my new build doesnt pass the tech for D1 because the hood is sticking out too much. I would have to modify the hood to be able to compete at autopolis. My intake manifold is specifically made and designed for the head and the motor that is under the hood so I will not be able to use a different ibtake manifold. I wanted to build something extreme and drive it really hard but I guess its nit excepted under D1s regs. I guess it is my fault. Really sorry and would like to apologize to all of you thats been looking forward to it.


I have an important announcement for everyone. I crashed my brand new car this round and was looking forward to showing it more to everyone by driving it at the next round in Autopolis and hopefully do better but my new build doesnt pass the tech for D1 because the hood is sticking out too much. I would have to modify the hood to be able to compete at autopolis.
My intake manifold is specifically made and designed for the head and the motor that is under the hood so I will not be able to use a different ibtake manifold.
I wanted to build something extreme and drive it really hard but I guess its nit excepted under D1s regs. I guess it is my fault.
Really sorry and would like to apologize to all of you thats been looking forward to it.

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