I owe so much to these gentlemen! Their hard work, dedication to the task, motivation and inspiring attitude is second to none, and the key factor of our success out there as a team is that we trust each other 110%. We did it! consists of @stephpapadakis, @ek20r, @btxind, @mariosalguero_19, @aww_dude with @jenhorsey and @chrislicupsometimesdrifts keeping me in check. (@larry_chen_foto for @scionracing)


I owe so much to these gentlemen! Their hard work, dedication to the task, motivation and inspiring attitude is second to none, and the key factor of our success out there as a team is that we trust each other 110%. We did it! consists of @stephpapadakis, @ek20r, @btxind, @mariosalguero_19, @aww_dude with @jenhorsey and @chrislicupsometimesdrifts keeping me in check. (@larry_chen_foto for @scionracing)

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