In case there is any doubt my wingman and Euroopean mechanic and transporter David Riiber is a badass. He fixes what I break with 110% dedication, and I compare his mindset to that of a soldier with a single goal where everything else is secondary. He might not always be politically correct but he’s in it with everything he’s got and has a super strong spirit – a living display of #HOLDSTUMT. I’m proud of having you manage the #86X! #UndergroundGarage


In case there is any doubt my wingman and Euroopean mechanic and transporter David Riiber is a badass. He fixes what I break with 110% dedication, and I compare his mindset to that of a soldier with a single goal where everything else is secondary. He might not always be politically correct but he's in it with everything he's got and has a super strong spirit - a living display of #HOLDSTUMT. I'm proud of having you manage the #86X! #UndergroundGarage

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