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  1. deathproofmods profile image
    deathproofmods 2 April, 2016 at 12:56 Reply

    @mishkamishkin с точки зрения безопасности, думаю он вполне свою функцию выполнит. Просто он может быть неудобен в пользовании и не даст максимальную жесткость кузову. Эстетические моменты можно опустить, ибо они не так важны.

  2. clutchkickpj profile image
    clutchkickpj 2 April, 2016 at 17:05 Reply

    @nukefivesix welds don’t have to look great when the cage will be painted anyways. Also this guy is a legend and not only is he taking 100k cars and throwing cages in them. He also has a great fab team that builds d1/fd professional spec cages. Don’t hate, appreciate

  3. clutchkickpj profile image
    clutchkickpj 2 April, 2016 at 17:18 Reply

    @itsfrshh is there something there I’m missing that shows signs that it’s unsafe? Please feel free to explain. Welds aren’t about looks it’s about PENETRATION. Looks don’t mean shit when the welds are weak af guy.

  4. itsfrshh profile image
    itsfrshh 2 April, 2016 at 17:27 Reply

    @clutchkickpj You’ve proven all I need to know, which is you don’t know shit about welding lol. Are these welds probably fine? Absolutely. Is that still an excuse to stitch weld pigeon shit on a bar and paint over it? Absolutely not. I don’t know what to tell you though, I don’t MIG my cages, I TIG them. MIG is for people who can’t properly fit bars

  5. clutchkickpj profile image
    clutchkickpj 2 April, 2016 at 17:34 Reply

    @itsfrshh I know plenty about welding guy and do you know if this car is completely done yet? You’re putting words in my mouth that I have not said. I never said do shit welds then paint over them. I was stating that just because they may not look like machine welds doesn’t mean that they won’t hold because they definitely WILL and if the cage is going to be painted then don’t need to spend fuck ton of time on making welds “pretty”. Just because you tig over mig don’t make your welds any better either. That’s just your choice.

  6. nukefivesix profile image
    nukefivesix 2 April, 2016 at 17:52 Reply

    @clutchkickpj I don’t care who it is, what it is or how it’s done. Shit quality is shit quality. These welds wouldn’t pass my tech at the crappy little grassroots events we do. Penetration has obviously not been achieved because the weld is clearly sitting on top of the metal, it doesn’t appear to flow to the other tube. At this point, this cage is more of a danger as flying shrapnel than it is protection. When I build my cages, I do one, maybe two tacs, then solid weld. There is no “mig over tig” or vice versa. You weld one time. If for some reason you need to grind it out, it’s probably going to look worse after.

  7. clutchkickpj profile image
    clutchkickpj 2 April, 2016 at 18:00 Reply

    @nukefivesix like I told the other guy there’s no point in going back and forth about this. All I’m saying is there’s already too much negatively in this world so why follow someone just to trash a pic you don’t like? If you don’t like then don’t comment nor follow that person. We need to stop the hate and start getting along.its as sink pole

  8. nukefivesix profile image
    nukefivesix 2 April, 2016 at 19:07 Reply

    I don’t follow this person. I was tagged in this. Feel free to check out the first admendment of our nations constitution. If we just “let it be” as the song goes, and do our best not to offend the thin skinned masses, someone will eventually die of stupidity. To add to that, what exactly is negative? Pointing out shoddy quality that could potentially harm someone, or just not speaking up when you see a problem? I assure you, while the tone was douchey, the concern for another life is based in love. So, stop the “hate” , don’t say a word and watch the world crumble, or point out obvious problems and make an attempt to fix them? If we appreciate and support shit quality, we will only be left with shit quality. Never settle, my friend. @clutchkickpj

  9. uoaluminateyim_ides profile image
    uoaluminateyim_ides 13 May, 2016 at 18:17 Reply

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  10. idologytubaancy profile image
    idologytubaancy 16 May, 2016 at 11:49 Reply

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  11. ernodianubb_lish profile image
    ernodianubb_lish 26 May, 2016 at 09:55 Reply

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  12. tidial_lageas profile image
    tidial_lageas 27 May, 2016 at 10:11 Reply

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  13. enicillinsuap_inol profile image
    enicillinsuap_inol 30 May, 2016 at 12:08 Reply

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