I’ve had #BrianJamesTrailers ever since I started drifting, and here’s the 86-X’s new home on the road: A brand new Brian James Race Transporter 4 from #Tilhengernor!This enclosed trailer has plenty of awesome features, like wireless winch remote, semi transparent roof for natural lighting, LED downlights, tilt and combined tire rack/work bench. And best of all: It’s so lightweight it works with our 2400 kg tow capacity custom Toyota Express Service Proace. Looking forward to the years to come with this one! #eurostyle #touringtheworld #undergroundgarage


I've had #BrianJamesTrailers ever since I started drifting, and here's the 86-X's new home on the road: A brand new Brian James Race Transporter 4 from #Tilhengernor!This enclosed trailer has plenty of awesome features, like wireless winch remote, semi transparent roof for natural lighting, LED downlights, tilt and combined tire rack/work bench. And best of all: It's so lightweight it works with our 2400 kg tow capacity custom Toyota Express Service Proace. Looking forward to the years to come with this one! #eurostyle #touringtheworld #undergroundgarage


  1. c.nygaard profile image
    c.nygaard 11 September, 2014 at 03:09 Reply

    Ahh nice det da 🙂 T4 trekkbilen min har kun 2 tonn så blir litt tungt med tilhenger med tak da, men vurderer og få oppregistrert min da jeg har hørt at flere har fått godkjent 2,5 tonn på dem også faktisk. Hjelper godt på med par hundre kg ekstra 😉

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