@jcastroracing here: yesterday was a very interesting day with a wet/dry conditions but we manage to put some good laps.. today looks like we are going to have a similar conditions but our team is ready for today’s challenges. __________________________________________________________ 📸 @larry_chen_foto _____________________________________________ @toyotaracing @gerdau_metaldom @nferaclub @arkperformance @sparcofficial @sparcousa @kw_suspension @enjukuracing @_wisefab_ @boostbrigade @yokohamawheelusa @aprperformance @olloclip


@jcastroracing here: yesterday was a very interesting day with a wet/dry conditions but we manage to put some good laps.. today looks like we are going to have a similar conditions but our team is ready for today’s challenges. 
__________________________________________________________ 📸 @larry_chen_foto 


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