KAde full swap for sale $800 NON negotiable. Just pulled from running vehicle that drive to the shop, has new starter and alternator, fairly new 6 puck clutch, will come with complete uncut wire harness, ECU, maf, coil, header, downpipe, and 5 speed trans. contact sales@getnutslab.com ONLY for serious inquiries #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #forsale #kade


KAde full swap for sale $800 NON negotiable. Just pulled from running vehicle that drive to the shop, has new starter and alternator, fairly new 6 puck clutch, will come with complete uncut wire harness, ECU, maf, coil, header, downpipe, and 5 speed trans. contact sales@getnutslab.com ONLY for serious inquiries #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #forsale #kade

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