Ohhhh yes! The @fastofficial LSXR 102 intake manifold showed up today plumbed by @nitrousexpress with their direct port kit. I thought I might plumb the intake myself, then I looked at the site and decided I’d let the pros handle it. And I’m glad I did. Super pumped that we will be controlling the nitrous progressively with our @holleyperformance ECU and progressive solid state relay.


Ohhhh yes! The @fastofficial LSXR 102 intake manifold showed up today plumbed by @nitrousexpress with their direct port kit. 
I thought I might plumb the intake myself, then I looked at the site and decided I’d let the pros handle it. And I’m glad I did. 
Super pumped that we will be controlling the nitrous progressively with our @holleyperformance ECU and progressive solid state relay.

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