OPTIMA Batteries is searching for the best automotive video content right now. They're hosting three screening events this year and the first is coming up at Formula Drift New Jersey. Cut off for film submissions is May 20. Pumped to be a judge this year and to check out what everybody is bringing to the table. Get all the details by hitting the link in my profile. @optimabatteries ๐Ÿ“ฝ @yaer_productions


OPTIMA Batteries is searching for the best automotive video content right now. They're hosting three screening events this year and the first is coming up at Formula Drift New Jersey. Cut off for film submissions is May 20. Pumped to be a judge this year and to check out what everybody is bringing to the table. Get all the details by hitting the link in my profile. @optimabatteries ๐Ÿ“ฝ @yaer_productions

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