Our #GReddyRacing Event Coverage from #FormulaD #FDTX is now live on the greddyusa blogspot. This time with video clips of @kengushi’s runs from the 2x OMT with Tuerck, OMT with Moen, 2x OMT with Siato and the Finals with Yokoi Follow our instagram profile for the direct link >> @greddyracing


> @greddyracing” title=”Our #GReddyRacing Event Coverage from #FormulaD #FDTX is now live on the greddyusa blogspot. This time with video clips of @kengushi’s runs from the 2x OMT with Tuerck, OMT with Moen, 2x OMT with Siato and the Finals with Yokoi Follow our instagram profile for the direct link >> @greddyracing” src=”http://drifting.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Our-GReddyRacing-Event-Coverage-from-FormulaD-FDTX-is-now-live-on-the-greddyusa-blogspot.-This-time-.jpg”

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