Our trip to #fdcanada has not been easy so far. We left on Monday, had a wheel fall off due to the bearing, had to repair, got back on the road and got to our halfway destination, Chesterfield, MO on Thursday morning at 4am. Friday afternoon we leave and get an hour and a half away when we notice the wheel ran away again, this time it had the hub attached. We searched for hours and hours all day/night long. No sign of it. There were no shops open and nothing we could do. @garretnuts saved us by finding a place in Indianapolis that had the parts in stock. He drove 4 hours round trip to go get them, got back at 2am. He filled the threads enough to get the axle nut to be able to tighten, tensioned the bearings and then welded the nut to the axle so it wouldn’t fall off again. That basically put us a day behind to get to Canada. We ended up getting back on the road at 4am today. We’re projected to be in Canada in about 7 hours. Hopefully no more issues arise. #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #2jzgrl #garretnuts @2jzgrl @garretnuts


Our trip to #fdcanada has not been easy so far. We left on Monday, had a wheel fall off due to the bearing, had to repair, got back on the road and got to our halfway destination, Chesterfield, MO on Thursday morning at 4am. Friday afternoon we leave and get an hour and a half away when we notice the wheel ran away again, this time it had the hub attached. We searched for hours and hours all day/night long. No sign of it. There were no shops open and nothing we could do. @garretnuts saved us by finding a place in Indianapolis that had the parts in stock. He drove 4 hours round trip to go get them, got back at 2am. He filled the threads enough to get the axle nut to be able to tighten, tensioned the bearings and then welded the nut to the axle so it wouldn't fall off again. That basically put us a day behind to get to Canada. We ended up getting back on the road at 4am today. We're projected to be in Canada in about 7 hours. Hopefully no more issues arise. #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #2jzgrl #garretnuts @2jzgrl @garretnuts

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