Out at the STF Garage X All That Low track day at the drift track at Fuji Speedway. Having a blast, driving some cars and refining my RHD skills. This dude in this wagon is killing it though! Haha hell yes!


Out at the STF Garage X All That Low track day at the drift track at Fuji Speedway. Having a blast, driving some cars and refining my RHD skills. This dude in this wagon is killing it though! Haha hell yes!Out at the STF Garage X All That Low track day at the drift track at Fuji Speedway. Having a blast, driving some cars and refining my RHD skills. This dude in this wagon is killing it though! Haha hell yes!

Out at the STF Garage X All That Low track day at the drift track at Fuji Speedway. Having a blast, driving some cars and refining my RHD skills. This dude in this wagon is killing it though! Haha hell yes!

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