Over 1,000 Horsepower Reliably from a Four Rotor Engine? Here you have got your four rotor shaft , the four rotor is taking that same 654CC rotor and just using it four times so that multiplication gives you approximately 2,622 CC's so it's actually slightly over 2.6 liters . In Mazda's race trim it did 700 horsepower naturally aspirated in the Le Mans cars I've seen these motors in turbocharged trim well over 1,000 horsepower reliably



Over 1,000 Horsepower Reliably from a Four Rotor Engine? 

Here you have got your four rotor shaft , the four rotor is taking that same 654CC rotor and just using it four times so that multiplication gives you approximately 2,622 CC's so it's actually slightly over 2.6 liters . In Mazda's race trim it did 700 horsepower naturally aspirated in the Le Mans cars I've seen these motors in turbocharged trim well over 1,000 horsepower reliably

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