RB25DET Engine Rebuild : Right now I don't have the wrist pins here because they're in the freezer and the reason why they're in the freezer is to make sure that we get them to contract as much as possible the Piston here has been out left outside so it's totally expanded what's going to happen is I'm going to take the Frozen wrist pin and it's going to slide right in because it's contracted and the Piston's expanded but as soon as that wrist pin warms up it's going to expand and it's going to be very difficult to move so the reason why we only have one side done is to prevent the wrist pin from moving past this point that way once we slip it in it's going to meet flush with this end and we'll be able to put in the other wrist pin clip for a super easy installation



RB25DET Engine Rebuild : Right now I don't have the wrist pins here because they're in the freezer and the reason why they're in the freezer is to make sure that we get them to contract as much as possible the Piston here has been out left outside so it's totally expanded what's going to happen is I'm going to take the Frozen wrist pin and it's going to slide right in because it's contracted and the Piston's expanded but as soon as that wrist pin warms up it's going to expand and it's going to be very difficult to move so the reason why we only have one side done is to prevent the wrist pin from moving past this point that way once we slip it in it's going to meet flush with this end and we'll be able to put in the other wrist pin clip for a super easy installation

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