@rutledgewood came to the for the @nascar race last weekend so I had the pleasure of showing him around the and Manchvegas. Fun times swapping stories and chatting about upcoming SEMA builds. I can't get over how sweet his @toyotausa is coming out. I was sitting there drooling over it and right on queue we spotted this Tundra in the wild with the same paint as the 🀘🏼🏼 Rutledge you are the man. Thanks for hanging


@rutledgewood came to the for the @nascar race last weekend so I had the pleasure of showing him around the and Manchvegas. Fun times swapping stories and chatting about upcoming SEMA builds. I can't get over how sweet his @toyotausa is coming out. I was sitting there drooling over it and right on queue we spotted this Tundra in the wild with the same paint as the 🀘🏼🏼 Rutledge you are the man. Thanks for hanging

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