Top 32 is about to start! Be sure to tune-in to our livestream (link in bio) |


Top 32 is about to start! Be sure to tune-in to our livestream (link in bio) |


  1. el_taco_heffe_x 7 April, 2018 at 17:38 Reply

    If y’all would just post the live stream begin time on the FD home page or at least the live stream page there wouldn’t be a million comments asking the same question

  2. detjohnkimble 7 April, 2018 at 18:17 Reply

    It would be sick if I could actually hear the cars on track over the announcers, who are lagging behind the start of each race, and the scoring would actually be fixed….. commercial breaks in the middle of runs is getting really fucking old. Get it together #formuladrift

  3. nygators 7 April, 2018 at 18:47 Reply

    @yeabny they talk over the cArs 24/7 it’s so fucking annoying. It’s like watching drift videos with music. And these cars sound amazing! And they talking over the car saying it sounds good

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