VQ35DE 350Z / G35 – Verify Marks on the Timing Chain / Gears , so now that we’ve got all the guides and tensioners on we’re going to double verify all of our marks on the chain and the gears the crankshaft and once that’s done then we can remove the pin from the tensioner and now we can safely roll the motor over and you can hear the tensioner adjusting itself out to now take up the slack so now there’s tension on the chain at all points


VQ35DE 350Z / G35 - Verify Marks on the Timing Chain / Gears , so now that we've got all the guides and tensioners on we're going to double verify all of our marks on the chain and the gears the crankshaft and once that's done then we can remove the pin from the tensioner and now we can safely roll the motor over and you can hear the tensioner adjusting itself out to now take up the slack so now there's tension on the chain at all points

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