We had another tough battle with Forsberg at #fdirw. The Get Nuts Team went up against him quite a few times this year. Have to admit, my heart was racing when he left the line before the winner was announced. I thought it was over for me at that point. Nick @vegasdrift pointed to me then, meaning I had won 3rd place podium for the 3rd year in a row! It has been a pleasure racing at Irwindale these years. By far my favorite track, we hope it stays open. @raceoneonline


We had another tough battle with Forsberg at #fdirw. The Get Nuts Team went up against him quite a few times this year. Have to admit, my heart was racing when he left the line before the winner was announced. I thought it was over for me at that point. Nick @vegasdrift pointed to me then, meaning I had won 3rd place podium for the 3rd year in a row! It has been a pleasure racing at Irwindale these years. By far my favorite track, we hope it stays open.  @raceoneonline

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