well the weekend ended super early for me getting knocked out at top 32 by my #teamachilles teamate @daigo_saito pretty bummed but my buddy @deankarnage made my crappy weekend end up in a smile, congrats for his 2nd place #podium here at #fdnj super proud of him! also thanks to the team, wouldnt have been able to do it without u guys! #oraclelighting 今回は残念ながらダイゴにベスト32で負けてしまいました、気分の悪い気持ちを一気に変えてくれたのがアキレスのチームメイトディーンの2位表彰台でした、チームの皆も頑張りました、おめでとうー!


well the weekend ended super early for me getting knocked out at top 32 by my #teamachilles teamate @daigo_saito pretty bummed but my buddy @deankarnage made my crappy weekend end up in a smile, congrats for his 2nd place #podium here at #fdnj super proud of him! also thanks to the team, wouldnt have been able to do it without u guys! #oraclelighting 今回は残念ながらダイゴにベスト32で負けてしまいました、気分の悪い気持ちを一気に変えてくれたのがアキレスのチームメイトディーンの2位表彰台でした、チームの皆も頑張りました、おめでとうー!

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