We’re going for it! Rig is on its way to Montreal for #formuladcanada round of the world championship on September 6-7. I feel very fortunate to be apart of this, especially after the rough weekend in Texas. Ready for redemption baby!


We’re going for it! Rig is on its way to Montreal for formuladcanada round of the world championship on September 6-7. I feel very fortunate to be apart of this, especially after the rough weekend in Texas. Ready for redemption baby!We’re going for it! Rig is on its way to Montreal for formuladcanada round of the world championship on September 6-7. I feel very fortunate to be apart of this, especially after the rough weekend in Texas. Ready for redemption baby!
We're going for it! Rig is on its way to Montreal for #formuladcanada round of the world championship on September 6-7. I feel very fortunate to be apart of this, especially after the rough weekend in Texas. Ready for redemption baby!

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