When you need a one-piece APEX seal .. I get asked quite often can I build somebody a full Bridgeport motor meaningboth side housings have bridges once you've gone to a full bridge you CAN'T have a corner piece anymore so here's a really bad example you can see right here on this Bridgeport template that if you had the corner piece in the spot where the bridge was that corner piece is gonna fall in your bridge hole which you think about it that's not gonna do anything to help your apex seal out it literally could fall in there and break or if it does run the wear would be so extreme it wouldn't last very long at all so if you're thinking full bridge you also got to think one-piece



When you need a one-piece APEX seal ..
I get asked quite often can I build somebody a full Bridgeport motor meaningboth side housings have bridges once you've gone to a full bridge you CAN'T have a corner piece anymore so here's a really bad example you can see right here on this Bridgeport template that if you had the corner piece in the spot where the bridge was that corner piece is gonna fall in your bridge hole which you think about it that's not gonna do anything to help your apex seal out it literally could fall in there and break or if it does run the wear would be so extreme it wouldn't last very long at all so if you're thinking full bridge you also got to think one-piece

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