When you see it… Out of everything that went down on track this weekend, this very moment has to be my memory. After 5 years of never battling each other in competition, my @scionracing team mate @kengushi and I finally got to go head to head in front of a packed Irwindale Speedway. Ken – let's hope this is the first of many more final battles and congrats again to you and the @greddyracing guys for a stellar comeback! A big thanks to my friend David for this awesome capture – what an insane night. Check out the full story over at Autoweek – the link is in my profile!


When you see it... Out of everything that went down on track this weekend, this very moment has to be my memory. After 5 years of never battling each other in competition, my @scionracing team mate @kengushi and I finally got to go head to head in front of a packed Irwindale Speedway. Ken - let's hope this is the first of many more final battles and congrats again to you and the @greddyracing guys for a stellar comeback! A big thanks to my friend David for this awesome capture - what an insane night. Check out the full story over at Autoweek - the link is in my profile!

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