Actor & troublemaker Trond Halbo behind the scenes (top) and arriving at the premiere of @burningthemovie (bottom). This is the replica that was built by #UndergroundGarage to look right, but it is essentially a factory standard GT86 underneath the #RocketBunny widebody. We had a lot of fun mixing Trond’s inboard action from this car with my stunt driving in the real #86X!


Actor & troublemaker Trond Halbo behind the scenes (top) and arriving at the premiere of @burningthemovie (bottom). This is the replica that was built by #UndergroundGarage to look right, but it is essentially a factory standard GT86 underneath the #RocketBunny widebody. We had a lot of fun mixing Trond's inboard action from this car with my stunt driving in the real #86X!


  1. fredricaasbo profile image
    fredricaasbo 11 August, 2014 at 03:05 Reply

    @bjorn_harald_evensen Når du spenner opp en automatbil i bremsebenken får du et noe lavere tall når det ikke er lockup, fordi girkassa slår av pådraget noe før den girer.

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