Hats off to this guy, @miketiddes, his crew, #papadakisracing and an awesome kid named @dill.bryant24 for creating the most fun drift video this sweaty race car driver has ever been a part of! The guys behind the camera blew me away with the quality of the work they were able to produce in a super tight time frame. Impressed!! Click the link in my profile to watch #DreamrideLA!


Hats off to this guy, @miketiddes, his crew, #papadakisracing and an awesome kid named @dill.bryant24 for creating the most fun drift video this sweaty race car driver has ever been a part of! The guys behind the camera blew me away with the quality of the work they were able to produce in a super tight time frame. Impressed!! Click the link in my profile to watch #DreamrideLA!

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