I dont know where to start, i was fortunate to b here at #idc #globalwarfare and was in great hands driving @dmac86official rental car but pushed it way too hard way too early in the day. I ended up in the wall after 5 laps, the car is done. I have been drifting for quite a while now but havent really experienced totaling someone elses ride, its a jorrible feeling u dont want and shouldnt experience, im so sorry that my weekend had to end this way, i also realized the importance of safety and was fortunate to b able to walk away after the impact, so sorry if i let anybody down, but will b here for the rest of the weekend cheering on the other drivers and supporting idc! #teamachilles 今回アイルランドのIDCに出させていただいてダレンのS13に乗らさせていただきました、でも初日の5周目で壁に激突、車は廃車です、あまりに早くあまりに急で自分でも早い段階で無理をしてしまった事を反省しています、色々な車に乗ったことありますが人様の車を廃車にしたのは初めてです、経験は経験ですがとても嫌な経験です。今回つくづく思ったのが車の安全面です、ケガなく車から出てこられたのも本当によかったです。今回は本当に残念ですが他のドライバーのサポート、IDCのサポートに力を入れたいと思います


I dont know where to start, i was fortunate to b here at #idc #globalwarfare and was in great hands driving @dmac86official rental car but pushed it way too hard way too early in the day. I ended up in the wall after 5 laps, the car is done. I have been drifting for quite a while now but havent really experienced totaling someone elses ride, its a jorrible feeling u dont want and shouldnt experience, im so sorry that my weekend had to end this way, i also realized the importance of safety and was fortunate to b able to walk away after the impact, so sorry if i let anybody down, but will b here for the rest of the weekend cheering on the other drivers and supporting idc! #teamachilles 今回アイルランドのIDCに出させていただいてダレンのS13に乗らさせていただきました、でも初日の5周目で壁に激突、車は廃車です、あまりに早くあまりに急で自分でも早い段階で無理をしてしまった事を反省しています、色々な車に乗ったことありますが人様の車を廃車にしたのは初めてです、経験は経験ですがとても嫌な経験です。今回つくづく思ったのが車の安全面です、ケガなく車から出てこられたのも本当によかったです。今回は本当に残念ですが他のドライバーのサポート、IDCのサポートに力を入れたいと思います

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