Such a rad day riding again despite taking a bar to the hip and somersaulting off my head. Thanks to my bro @justin_tuerck for letting me rip his YZ 250 and to @MX207 for having an awesomely prepared track. #MX207 #2strokecoldsmoke #Vetrider


Such a rad day riding again despite taking a bar to the hip and somersaulting off my head. Thanks to my bro @justin_tuerck for letting me rip his YZ 250 and to @MX207 for having an awesomely prepared track. MX207 2strokecoldsmoke VetriderSuch a rad day riding again despite taking a bar to the hip and somersaulting off my head. Thanks to my bro @justin_tuerck for letting me rip his YZ 250 and to @MX207 for having an awesomely prepared track. MX207 2strokecoldsmoke Vetrider
Such a rad day riding again despite taking a bar to the hip and somersaulting off my head. Thanks to my bro @justin_tuerck for letting me rip his YZ 250 and to @MX207 for having an awesomely prepared track. #MX207 #2strokecoldsmoke #Vetrider

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