So Forrest broke this tail light on the wall at Super Drift. First person to answer this question correctly will get this mint, fresh as phuck light in the mail. USA only. What did Forrest qualify last year at #fdatl and what place did he end up in? We will announce winner later today. #putitonyourwall #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #ridethewall #breakallthethings


So Forrest broke this tail light on the wall at Super Drift. First person to answer this question correctly will get this mint, fresh as phuck light in the mail. USA only. What did Forrest qualify last year at #fdatl and what place did he end up in? We will announce winner later today. #putitonyourwall #getnuts #getnutslab #forrestwang #ridethewall #breakallthethings

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