Flashback to our @formulad win a couple of weekends ago. I’m actually not inspired by a greek God here, I’m just really, REALLY happy!! Looking forward to meeting up with the crew tomorrow and taking on #fdsea this weekend. #goodtimes #milestones #papadakisracing @scionracing @hankookusaracing


Flashback to our @formulad win a couple of weekends ago. I'm actually not inspired by a greek God here, I'm just really, REALLY happy!! Looking forward to meeting up with the crew tomorrow and taking on #fdsea this weekend. #goodtimes #milestones #papadakisracing @scionracing @hankookusaracing


  1. sir_supra profile image
    sir_supra 16 July, 2014 at 04:40 Reply

    I live in Olympia and I was wondering if mabey you could bring some of your friends to my city and drift a little I know some officers from the city and I’m sure they would be ok with it we have some pretty good drift spots in the area if you can make it it would mean so much to me MR.Assabo thanks @sir_supra

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