Japan Used Cars For Sale from USS auto auction
Time is money !
You need not take time any longer to find a car you want. Why don't you participate in USS Auction largest in Japan?
Yes, you will be able to find a car you want only through USS Auction which is the largest organization in Japan!
Unlike other countries where any body can get a car by participating in Auction, in Japan, only selected dealers or an individual who are permitted to be a membership passing in severe investigation can participate in Car Auction (Auto Auction). Especially, for USS Auction, investigation level for a membership is very strict so that, unless you are trusted socially and with good experience in the field of car-business, it will be difficult to pass investigation for awarding a membership license. We are a dealer who have got through the investigation and can get vehicles through USS Auction,largest in Japan from where sixty thousand cars are shipping per week.
Please read.
And please contact us.
Could you call to my assistant.
The inquiry by English is possible
here is hes phone number.
My assistant's name: Aboulhassani Behzad
telephone number: +81-90-3404-1534
Best Regards
Address: 5-5-6,shintoride,Toride-city,Ibaraki Prefecture.Japan zip 302-0031
TEL/FAX: +81-29-774-4777
Mobile: +81-90-3040-1165
URL: http://www.u-car.biz/
E-mail Address: info@u-car.biz
License No:
Licensed as CARE-DEALER by Ibaraki Safety Commission under registered No.401270001003
Time is money !
You need not take time any longer to find a car you want. Why don't you participate in USS Auction largest in Japan?
Yes, you will be able to find a car you want only through USS Auction which is the largest organization in Japan!
Unlike other countries where any body can get a car by participating in Auction, in Japan, only selected dealers or an individual who are permitted to be a membership passing in severe investigation can participate in Car Auction (Auto Auction). Especially, for USS Auction, investigation level for a membership is very strict so that, unless you are trusted socially and with good experience in the field of car-business, it will be difficult to pass investigation for awarding a membership license. We are a dealer who have got through the investigation and can get vehicles through USS Auction,largest in Japan from where sixty thousand cars are shipping per week.
Please read.
And please contact us.
Could you call to my assistant.
The inquiry by English is possible
here is hes phone number.
My assistant's name: Aboulhassani Behzad
telephone number: +81-90-3404-1534
Best Regards
Address: 5-5-6,shintoride,Toride-city,Ibaraki Prefecture.Japan zip 302-0031
TEL/FAX: +81-29-774-4777
Mobile: +81-90-3040-1165
URL: http://www.u-car.biz/
E-mail Address: info@u-car.biz
License No:
Licensed as CARE-DEALER by Ibaraki Safety Commission under registered No.401270001003