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Anyone Selling an s13 or an s14? Or a AE86 hatchi?

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  • Anyone Selling an s13 or an s14? Or a AE86 hatchi?

    Hey guys,
    I'm not to ready to buy a car yet, and I've been looking around over the net for a good deal on one of these cars.

    I was wondering if any of you were planing to sell, or know somewhere a good deal for a manual s13,s14, or AE86.

    And I have searched the forums, but could be SOLD. So I'm just checking right now. Thanks

  • #2
    Yea hook me up too.


    • #3
      You are the king of contradictions. You are not ready to buy a car but are looking for one. You want a Hachi to Drift but don't care how it Drifts. Are you ready to buy or not? If you are, then people will be willing to help you, if not, then why make a post about it?


      • #4
        What are you talking about dude!
        Ofcourse I care how they drift, I just have enough information from people here and my friends... stfu...

        Plus I was really hoping for the 86, but my pal scott is lookin for an s13.


        • #5
          Well, if you have enough information from people here, then no need to keep this thread open.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Okinawa Drifter
            from people here and my friends... stfu...
            STFU? we all know what it stands for.. you will notice one ofg those words is censored out of the board. The admins have it set this way for a reason. So this violates that rule, consider this a warning from moderation.

            And more to the point the maturity level in post as of recent has really dropped off. If you guys dont want to respect your fellow posters then you might as well just leave the site now but it will cause nothing but trouble for you in the future.

